To make a referral please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.
About our referrals
The service is for patients who:
- are over sixteen years of age
- have an incurable progressive terminal illness/disease
- are registered with a GP within the St Giles catchment area. Patients outside this area may be considered and a decision made upon individual need and circumstance.
The Inpatient unit aims to offer short term admission to support patients with:
- unresolved complex specialist palliative care needs that cannot be met in the community or hospital setting
- physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
Support is also offered to family members, carers and friends.
The average length of stay in our Inpatient unit is 10-14 days. The multidisciplinary team will discuss and explore future care and discharge expectations during admission.
The hospice is able to offer end-of-life care for those assessed to be in the last few days of life, with/without symptoms requiring nursing care from highly trained nurses and health care assistants.
All referrals for the Inpatient unit are triaged and discussed daily by our multiprofessional team. Please note, referral does not automatically guarantee admission.
The service is for patients who have a diagnosis of advanced life limiting illness and requires one or more of the following:
- management of complex uncontrolled symptoms, related to their disease which are escalating or are unable to be managed by the current generalist clinical team. Or,
- support with advance decision making regarding their care in the future, including end-of-life care (patient or responsible clinician). Or,
- support with practical and emotional concerns, aspects surrounding the last days of life. Or,
- assessment for referral to other Hospice services such as Hospice at Home, therapies, or bereavement support teams. Or,
- support with complex social or family support issues resulting from their illness. Or,
- assessment for a hospice admission (inpatient bed) which can provide further symptom control for patients who are currently in the community.
The service is for patients who:
- have a progressive terminal illness
- are within the last weeks of life
- over sixteen years of age
- choose to be cared for within their own environment
Although other factors may contribute to a patient’s oedema, obesity is often the main causative factor of secondary lymphoedema. Therefore, please note the following:
- BMI over 30: The patient must be actively engaged in management of their weight and should be referred to a local weight management programme where possible. Please include relevant correspondence where applicable.
- BMI over 40: The patient must be referred to a specialist bariatric/obesity service and must be actively engaged in management of their weight before the referral can proceed. Please include relevant correspondence, where applicable.
If the Patient’s Lymphoedema is secondary to cancer or its treatment, please include correspondence regarding diagnosis, lymph node involvement, treatment received and treatment planned.